Month: September 2006

I did it with ALBA

Finally, I made time to play about more with the graph tools in ALBA. As suggested by Derek Walker in his helpful emails (see correspondence), I was using Excel unnecessarily. The tools in ALBA are equally as powerful and significantly easier to use. Delighted at having learned a new skill, I also find myself feeling pretty dumb...

Back to life...

Finally got my broadband connection going - many thanks to talktalk. Also got my wireless network set up at home - and it worked straight away! No excuse for not getting more done now. Going to try and play about with SCHOLAR over the weekend. Seminar at SETT show highlighted a lot of new features.

Back Home - with the laptop!

Just back from the SETT show/Glow mentoring events. It was great to put faces to names and meet the rest of the team. Except for my laptop being mislaid by the concierge at the Holiday Inn, it was a very enjoyable couple of days. Never having been to SETT, I had no idea what to expect, and...

Ready, SETT, Glow!!!!!!

Apologies for the title of this posting, couldn't help myself. I got my SETT/Glow stuff through at the end of last week, finally got to watch my Glow DVD over the weekend. I must say its got me quite excited, the opportunities and applications seem endless. I got myself booked in for some seminars too...

ALBA might do it soon......

I got a reply from Derek Walker at djb microtech regarding the ALBA experiment I'd been trying to do. It turns out my method was more or less correct, and that the calculation functions built into ALBA should have been up to doing the analysis. I used Excel so that I wouldn't have to learn how to make ALBA...

Why doesn't ALBA do that?

Having made quite a bit of use of ALBA interfacing over the past few years, I found myself trying to do an experiment that isn't on the appliation menu. I've often wondered about doing experiments that aren't built into the software, as these entail using the ALBA investigator which I'd not tried before. Basically you work out...

Posting Files

Another new skill! Finally got files mentioned in last posting uploaded. Had created a page called 'Files', but this refused to work (maybe there's already something called 'Files' in the background). Hence I have created 'My Work', which I'll add to as I go along. Please feel free to send comments.

Busy busy busy

Been doing the odd bit of ALBA interfacing - two pressure sensing experiments with H Physics, measuring the speed of sound with S2 Science. Attempts to encourage AH Physics pupils to use SCHOLAR more have had varied success - only one convert, the others can't stand the way the online assessments work; especially the format...