Tag: CfE

Response to SQA Consultation on Assessment

The SQA have released a consultation on the assessment arrangements for the new qualifications, which can be found here - surveymonkey.com/r/TFJQCX2  Having blogged recently on the subject of assessment, I have decided to publish my own response. [SQA questions shown in bold, my responses below] 1. Which subject(s) do you deliver? Physics  2. It was intended that Units...

SQA Consultation on Reforming Assessment

In an acknowledgement that there are 'issues' with assessment, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) have opened a on-line consultation. Their survey can be found here - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TFJQCX2 Having produced a few posts recently on the subject of assessment I have been keen to respond to the survey. Once I have checked to make sure it...

How we could reform assessment and certification

In my recent post 'Why we need to reform assessment', I outlined a number of issues which give me concern over the assessment of SQA National 3-5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses, introduced as part of the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence. Whilst there may be many teachers who would wish for a return to...

Why we need to reform assessment

Following on from my post back in May 'Do Exams Pass Under CfE?', I have given the issues of assessment and certification some further consideration, which I discussed in my presentation at this year's Teachmeet SLF 'Breakout' event held at CitizenM, Glasgow back in September. This post is an attempt to summarise and explain the...

Do Exams 'Pass' under CfE?

After more than five years of ongoing development in Scottish secondary schools, the Curriculum for Excellence has reached its first round of 'gold standard' Higher examinations. Though the contents of many courses have been significantly revised, and a sizeable portion of the overall marks may come from a piece of coursework conducted in school, the...

All Hands to the Pumps

On Wed 29th Feb, with our senior school out on exam leave for their prelims, and a clear desk (not sure how that happened, but it did) I dipped into my twitter stream and saw this tweet from Glen Gilchrist - Glen's post on PLNs and peer collaboration, details how he and Alexavier Fareheed made...

#tmslf11 - Round Table - Glow: Love it/Hate it/Want it

On Wednesday 21st September over 100 education professionals attended TeachMeet SLF 11 at the Glasgow Science Centre. Though not giving a presentation, I did participate by hosting a Round Table discussion on Glow, Scotland's National Education Intranet. There has recently been a great deal of discussion about the future for Glow and ICT in general...

Assessment, Recording & Reporting for CfE

I've been struggling of late to get to grips with assessment for our new S1 science course. I'd never been much of a fan of our old approach - 3 x 12 mark multi-choice test & 1 big KU & PS test on a whole term of work, every term in S1 & S2, up...