Tag: cpd

IOP Scotland Online CLPL

IOP Scotland Online CLPL Playlists –  Google Apps for Education (G-Suite) Microsoft Teams & Office 365 IOPS CLPL – Support for Probationer & Early Career Teachers IOPS CLPL – Teachers Supporting Probationer & Early Career Teachers Language in Science NASA in Aberdeen Evidence-based teaching Coaching N5 Physics Coaching Higher Physics Coaching Advanced Higher Physics Coaching...

Perimeter Institute - EinsteinPlus 2016 - Day 2

Day 2 of EinsteinPlus 2016 saw the group formally welcomed to the spectacular Perimeter Institute building after an equally spectacular breakfast. (There are two excellent bistros at PI, which provided the group with a fabulous range of meals over the week long visit. I'd say more, but there'd be a real danger of this becoming...

Perimeter Institute - EinsteinPlus 2016 - Day 1

Earlier in the year I was delighted to receive an invitation to the annual Einstein Plus teachers' summer school at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario. A total of forty two teachers from across Canada, USA, Europe and Asia attended the event, comprising workshops, lectures and visits from the 6th to the 12th of July. Having registered...

Cloud chambers

Thanks to Dr Aidan Robson from Glasgow University I was able to borrow a set of cloud chamber kits which I have used with my Higher physics classes this week. This facility is now available to any physics teachers in the central belt, via an on line booking facility, with kits available from both Glasgow and...

#TMSLF13 - Round Table - Opportunities for Learning in 'The Real World'

It was my great pleasure and privilege to lead a round table session at this year's Scottish Learning Festival TeachMeet. The topic for the discussion - Opportunities for Learning in 'The Real World'   - was prompted by my recent experience of having pupils involved in learning experiences outside the school environment. I later used one...

In response to Islay ICT - TeachMeet & SLF

In his recent blogpost, Ian Stuart made some criticisms of TeachMeetSLF11. His post lists a number of concerns arising from having been a member of the online audience for the event. Whilst I agree with all of the points made by Ian, I feel I should point out a few things by way of explanation. The...

TeachMeet - unplugged

I've been thinking about putting together another TeachMeet in the new term. Part of the thinking has been about trying a stripped back, low (no?) tech version, with the emphasis firmly on sharing ideas not technology. A sort of 'TeachMeet - unplugged', if you will. This is in response to a few concerns I have...

Physics Summer School - Day 2

Friday morning saw us leave Erskine early for a visit to the Physics Department University of Strathclyde. Here we were shown around the first-year labs, seeing experimental set ups used by students for finding - speed of sound in air using tuning forks and resonant air columns wave speed for wave on a string, using...

Physics Summer School - Day 1

For the last few days I've been fortunate to have been in Erskine, attending the SSERC/Institute of Physics Physics Summer School - a residential CPD event for physics teachers from all over Scotland. We started on Wednesday evening with an icebreaker session after registration and dinner. Armed with a small video camera we conducted 30...

CPD - SQA New AH Physics Development Forum

I went along to Jordanhill School, Glasgow, this evening to attend a 'forum' hosted by John Sharkey, who is currently working for the SQA, developing the new Higher and Advanced Higher Physics courses. John started with a quick summary of the current state of play regarding SQA Physics courses for post-16 students - New Higher...