After the last posting, I was grateful to receive very useful advice from more seasoned hands as to where to begin making something interactive.
Thanks to Andrew I dipped a toe into making something using Captivate 2 and have produced a wee quiz for a physics unit I've been doing. It is a bit rough and ready, but it only took a couple of hours to figure enough to put the quiz together. That's exactly what I wanted to be able to do. Quick, easy, no fiddly bits.
My first effort can be found here.
Please feel free to criticise, its the only way I'll learn.
Brilliant to see Drew - unfortunately, my ability at Captivate far exceeds my ability at Physics - 0 out of 4. Anyway...
The great thing about this is that if we all made resources like this that we then shared, then how we work with our kids could be more efficient.
If any of your readers would like to know more about Captivate or even to try it out, then please get in touch with me and I can offer any help I can?
Keep up the good work - I'm looking forward to your next example (hopefully my physics will have improved by then...)
I'l never get the hang of this two stars and a wish thing... once you've created your questions, you can move the elements around the slides - that way, when you review the quiz after taking it, the comment boxes won't appear over the buttons that you need to be able to click. Hope this helps.